Welcome to VolterraBasis’s documentation!

This project compute position-dependent memory kernel for Generalized Langevin Equations. Please refer to Position-dependent memory kernel in generalized Langevin equations: Theory and numerical estimation, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 244105 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0094566, also available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02457 for a detailed description of the algorithm.


>>> pip install git+https://github.com/HadrienNU/VolterraBasis.git

to install.

Getting Started

To run the code, you should first instanciate the Estimator_gle class

>>> mymem =  Estimator_gle(traj_list, vb.Pos_gle, bf.BSplineFeatures(Nsplines))

The mandatory arguments are a list of trajectories, the choice of a model and a funcionnal basis.

The list of trajectories should be created through the VolterraBasis.xframe() method such as

>>> trj = np.loadtxt("example_lj.trj")
>>> xf = vb.xframe(trj[:, 1], trj[:, 0]) # First argument is trajectory, second is time
>>> xvaf = vb.compute_va(xf) #  Compute velocity and acceleration
>>> trajs_list=[xvaf]

You should then compute mean force and correlation using

>>> mymem.compute_mean_force()
>>> mymem.compute_corrs()

Inversion of Volterra Integral Equations

Computation of the memory kernel is obtained using

>>> mymem.compute_kernel()

Several algorithms for the inversion of the Volterra Integral Equations are available. Please refer to P. Linz, “Numerical methods for Volterra integral equations of the first kind”, The Computer Journal 12, 393–397 (1969) for mathematical details.

Functionnal basis

The estimation of the memory kernel necessite the choice of a functionnal basis. Functional basis are implemented in VolterraBasis.basis that could be imported and initialized as

>>> import VolterraBasis.basis as bf
>>> basis=bf.BSplineFeatures(15)

Several options are available for the type of basis, please refer to the documentation. Although multidimensionnal trajectories can be analysed, not all functionnal basis are multidimensionnal.

Force and memory estimate

Once the mean force and memory have been computed, the value of the force and memory kernel at given position can be computed trought function VolterraBasis.Pos_gle.force_eval() and VolterraBasis.Pos_gle.kernel_eval()

Choice of the form of the GLE

Several options are available to choose the form of the GLE: