Source code for VolterraBasis

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import scipy.interpolate
from ._version import __version__

from .models import Pos_gle, Pos_gle_with_friction, Pos_gle_no_vel_basis, Pos_gle_const_kernel, Pos_gle_hybrid, Pos_gle_overdamped  # , Pos_gle_overdamped_const_kernel
from .gle_estimation import Estimator_gle

from .gle_integrate import Integrator_gle, Integrator_gle_const_kernel, KarhunenLoeveNoiseGenerator
from .fit_memory import memory_fit, memory_fit_eval, memory_fit_kernel, memory_kernel_eval
from .fit_prony import prony_inspect_data, prony_fit_times_serie, prony_fit_kernel, prony_series_eval, prony_series_kernel_eval
from .correlation import correlation_ND as correlation_fft
from .correlation import correlation_direct_ND as correlation_direct

__all__ = ["Pos_gle", "Pos_gle_with_friction", "Pos_gle_no_vel_basis", "Pos_gle_const_kernel", "Pos_gle_hybrid"]
__all__ += ["Pos_gle_overdamped", "Pos_gle_overdamped_const_kernel"]
__all__ += ["Trajectories_handler"]
__all__ += ["Estimator_gle", "Integrator_gle"]
__all__ += ["correlation_fft", "correlation_direct"]
__all__ += ["memory_fit", "memory_fit_eval", "memory_fit_kernel", "memory_kernel_eval"]
__all__ += ["prony_fit_times_serie", "prony_series_eval", "prony_fit_kernel", "prony_series_kernel_eval", "prony_inspect_data"]

# Changer le code de gle integrate pour prendre en entrée un model directement

[docs]def xframe(x, time, v=None, a=None, fix_time=False, round_time=1.0e-4, dt=-1): """ Creates a xarray dataset (['t', 'x']) from a trajectory. Parameters ---------- x : array The time series. The array can be in any type as long as xarray can handle it. This include numpy array, dask array,... time : numpy array The respective time values. fix_time : bool, default=False Round first timestep to round_time precision and replace times. round_time : float, default=1.e-4 When fix_time is set times are rounded to this value. dt : float, default=-1 When positive, this value is used for fixing the time instead of the first timestep. v : numpy array, default=None Velocity if computed externally a : numpy array, default=None Acceleration if computed externally """ # Quick check for duck numpy-like array if "shape" not in x.__dir__() or "__array__" not in x.__dir__(): x = np.asarray(x) if x.ndim == 1: x = x.reshape(-1, 1) time = np.asarray(time) if fix_time: if dt < 0: dt = np.round((time[1] - time[0]) / round_time) * round_time time = np.linspace(0.0, dt * (x.shape[0] - 1), x.shape[0]) time[1] = dt else: dt = time[1] - time[0] if v is None: ds = xr.Dataset({"x": (["time", "dim_x"], x)}, coords={"time": time}, attrs={"dt": dt}) else: if v.ndim == 1: v = v.reshape(-1, 1) ds = xr.Dataset({"x": (["time", "dim_x"], x), "v": (["time", "dim_x"], v)}, coords={"time": time}, attrs={"dt": dt}) if a is not None: if a.ndim == 1: a = a.reshape(-1, 1) ds = ds[["x", "v"]].assign({"a": (["time", "dim_x"], a)}) # {"a": a}) return ds
def compute_a_from_vel(xvf): """ Computes the acceleration from a dataset with ['t', 'x', 'v']. Parameters ---------- xvf : xarray dataset (['x', 'v']) """ # Compute diff diffs = xvf.shift({"time": -1}) - xvf.shift({"time": 1}) dt = xvf.attrs["dt"] xva = xvf[["x", "v"]].assign({"a": diffs["v"] / (2.0 * dt)}) return xva.dropna("time")
[docs]def compute_a(xvf): """ Computes the acceleration from a dataset with ['t', 'x', 'v']. Parameters ---------- xvf : xarray dataset (['x', 'v']) """ # Compute diff diffs = xvf - xvf.shift({"time": 1}) dt = xvf.attrs["dt"] ddiffs = diffs.shift({"time": -1}) - diffs xva = xvf[["x", "v"]].assign({"a": ddiffs["x"] / dt**2}) return xva.dropna("time")
[docs]def compute_va(xf, correct_jumps=False, jump=2 * np.pi, jump_thr=1.75 * np.pi, lamb_finite_diff=0.5): """ Computes velocity and acceleration from a dataset with ['t', 'x'] as returned by xframe. Parameters ---------- xf : xarray dataframe (['t', 'x']) correct_jumps : bool, default=False Jumps in the trajectory are removed (relevant for periodic data). """ diffs = xf - xf.shift({"time": 1}) dt = xf.attrs["dt"] if correct_jumps: # TODO diffs = xr.where(diffs["x"] > -jump_thr, diffs, diffs + jump) diffs = xr.where(diffs["x"] < jump_thr, diffs, diffs - jump) # raise NotImplementedError("Periodic data are not implemented yet") ddiffs = diffs.shift({"time": -1}) - diffs sdiffs = lamb_finite_diff * diffs.shift({"time": -1}) + (1.0 - lamb_finite_diff) * diffs # xva = pd.DataFrame({"t": xf["t"], "x": xf["x"], "v": sdiffs["x"] / (2.0 * dt), "a": ddiffs["x"] / dt ** 2}, index=xf.index) xva = xf[["x"]].assign({"v": sdiffs["x"] / dt, "a": ddiffs["x"] / dt**2}) return xva.dropna("time")
def compute_va_gjf(xf, correct_jumps=False, jump=2 * np.pi, jump_thr=1.75 * np.pi): """ Computes velocity and acceleration from a dataset with ['t', 'x'] as returned by xframe. Parameters ---------- xf : xarray dataframe (['t', 'x']) correct_jumps : bool, default=False Jumps in the trajectory are removed (relevant for periodic data). """ diffs = xf - xf.shift({"time": 1}) dt = xf.attrs["dt"] if correct_jumps: # TODO diffs = xr.where(diffs["x"] > -jump_thr, diffs, diffs + jump) diffs = xr.where(diffs["x"] < jump_thr, diffs, diffs - jump) # raise NotImplementedError("Periodic data are not implemented yet") ddiffs = diffs.shift({"time": -1}) - diffs # xva = pd.DataFrame({"t": xf["t"], "x": xf["x"], "v": sdiffs["x"] / (2.0 * dt), "a": ddiffs["x"] / dt ** 2}, index=xf.index) xva = xf[["x"]].assign({"v": diffs["x"] / dt, "a": ddiffs["x"] / dt**2}) return xva.dropna("time")
[docs]def concat_underdamped(xva): """ Return the DataSet such that x is now (x,v) and v is now (v,a), """ new_x = xr.concat([xva["x"], xva["v"]], dim="dim_x") new_v = xr.concat([xva["v"], xva["a"]], dim="dim_x") return xr.Dataset({"x": new_x, "v": new_v}, attrs={"dt": xva.dt})
[docs]def compute_1d_fe(xva_list, bins=150, kT=2.494, hist=False): """ Computes the free energy from the trajectoy using a cubic spline interpolation. Parameters ---------- bins : str, or int, default="auto" The number of bins. It is passed to the numpy.histogram routine, see its documentation for details. hist: bool, default=False If False return the free energy else return the histogram """ if isinstance(bins, str): x_bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(np.concatenate([xva["x"].data for xva in xva_list], axis=0), bins="auto") elif isinstance(bins, int): # # D'abord on obtient les bins min_x = np.min([xva["x"].min("time") for xva in xva_list]) max_x = np.max([xva["x"].max("time") for xva in xva_list]) x_bins = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, bins) else: raise ValueError("bins should be a str or a int") mean_val = 0 count_bins = 0 for xva in xva_list: # add v^2 to the list ds_groups = xva.assign({"v2": xva["v"] * xva["v"]}).groupby_bins("x", x_bins) # print(ds_groups) mean_val += ds_groups.sum().fillna(0) count_bins += ds_groups.count().fillna(0) mass_avg = (mean_val["v2"].sum() / count_bins["v2"].sum()).to_numpy() fehist = (count_bins / count_bins.sum())["x"] mean_val = mean_val / count_bins pf = fehist.to_numpy() xfa = (x_bins[1:] + x_bins[:-1]) / 2.0 if hist: return xfa, pf xf = xfa[np.nonzero(pf)] fe = -np.log(pf[np.nonzero(pf)]) fe -= np.min(fe) pf_bis = pf[np.nonzero(pf)] mass = mean_val["v2"].to_numpy()[np.nonzero(pf)] mean_a = mean_val["a"].to_numpy()[np.nonzero(pf)] fe_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(xf, fe, s=0) force = -1 * scipy.interpolate.splev(xf, fe_spline, der=1) * kT / mass_avg mass_rho_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(xf, mass * pf_bis, s=0) force_tot = scipy.interpolate.splev(xf, mass_rho_spline, der=1) / pf_bis return xf, fe, force, mean_a, force_tot, mass