Generalized Fokker Planck equation in underdamped case¶

How to run kernel estimation

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

import VolterraBasis as vb
import VolterraBasis.basis as bf

trj = np.loadtxt("example_lj.trj")
xva_list = []
for i in range(1, trj.shape[1]):
    xf = vb.xframe(trj[:, i], trj[:, 0] - trj[0, 0])
    xvaf = vb.compute_va(xf)
    xva_under = vb.concat_underdamped(xvaf)
# print(xva_under.head())
basis_x = bf.SmoothIndicatorFeatures([[1.4, 1.5]], "quartic")
basis_v = bf.SmoothIndicatorFeatures([[-1.1, -1.0], [1.0, 1.1]], "tricube", periodic=False)
basis_comb = bf.TensorialBasis2D(basis_x, basis_v)
mymem = vb.Estimator_gle(xva_list, vb.Pos_gle_overdamped, basis_comb, trunc=10, saveall=False)
print("Dimension of observable", mymem.model.dim_obs)


# fig_kernel, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
# # Kernel plot
# axs.set_title("Memory kernel")
# # axs.set_xscale("log")
# axs.set_xlabel("$t$")
# axs.set_ylabel("$\\Gamma$")
# axs.grid()
# axs.plot(mymem.time, np.sum(mymem.kernel, axis=2), "-x")
# axs.plot(mymem.time, mymem.kernel[:, basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 0), :], "-x")
# # axs.plot(mymem.time, mymem.kernel[:, basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 0), basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 0)], "-x")
# # axs.plot(mymem.time, mymem.kernel[:, basis_comb.comb_indices(1, 0), basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 0)], "-x")
# # axs.plot(mymem.time, mymem.kernel[:, basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 0), basis_comb.comb_indices(1, 0)], "-x")
# # axs.plot(mymem.time, mymem.kernel[:, basis_comb.comb_indices(1, 0), basis_comb.comb_indices(1, 0)], "-x")
# # Survival problem
# # sink_index = basis_comb.comb_indices(1, 1)
# p0 = np.zeros(mymem.dim_obs)
# p0[basis_comb.comb_indices(0, 1)] = 1.0
# t_new, p_t = mymem.solve_gfpe(5000, method="trapz", p0=p0)
# fig_pt = plt.figure("Probability of time")
# plt.grid()
# occ = mymem.occupations()
# t_num = np.arange(mymem.trunc_ind) * (t_new[1] - t_new[0])
# p_t_num = np.einsum("ikj, kl, l->ij", mymem.bkdxcorrw, np.diag(1.0 / occ), p0)
# plt.plot(t_num, p_t_num, "--")
# plt.plot(t_new, p_t, "-")
# plt.plot(t_new, np.sum(p_t, axis=1), "-o")
# fig, ax_anim = plt.subplots()
# ax_anim.grid()
# dt = t_new[1] - t_new[0]
# time_text = ax_anim.text(0.05, 1.05, "0.0", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax_anim.transAxes)
# xrange = np.linspace(0.8, 3.0, 50)
# yrange = np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 50)
# # Do mesh
# xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xrange, yrange)
# E_eval = basis_comb.basis(np.column_stack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())))
# proba_val = E_eval @ p_t[0, :]
# print(E_eval.shape, proba_val.shape, xx.shape, yy.shape, np.column_stack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())).shape)
# quad = ax_anim.pcolormesh(xx, yy, proba_val.reshape(50, 50), shading="gouraud", cmap="viridis")
# fig.colorbar(quad)
# def update(frame):
#     proba_val = E_eval @ p_t[frame, :]
#     quad.set_array(proba_val.reshape(50, 50))
#     time_text.set_text("%.3f" % (frame * dt))
#     return (quad, time_text)
# ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.arange(p_t.shape[0]), blit=True, interval=10)
# fig_basis, axis_basis = plt.subplots(2, 1)
# Ex_basis = basis_x.basis(xrange.reshape(-1, 1))
# print(Ex_basis.shape)
# axis_basis[0].plot(xrange, Ex_basis)
# Ev_basis = basis_v.basis(yrange.reshape(-1, 1))
# print(Ev_basis.shape)
# axis_basis[1].plot(yrange, Ev_basis)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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